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- /____\___/|_| |_|\___| |_| \_|\___|\__| 95:103/0
- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- ::::::::: Creator and Co-Ordinator - Glen Martin [Gremlins BBS] :::::::::
- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- :::[ ZONE NET HISTORY ]::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- In Brief :
- ZoneNet was created by me, Glen Martin (SysOp of Gremlins BBS) during the
- month of October, 1995. I saw other small networks which were started by
- SysOps like myself and was very interested in starting my own msg network,
- and to see how far it would go. The name Zone(Net) was one of the first
- names I came up with and so thus began "ZoneNet". Zone simply means an
- area, the msg zone -- The Zone. I then created all the necessary text
- files, etc for the ZoneNet package, and worked out a decent Zone node
- address (eg. 95:999/999). The 95 (Zone) also stands for the year ZoneNet
- commenced. Happy with everything concerning ZoneNet and with everything
- thought out, I posted the first message to SysOps who may be interested
- in joining this new network. ZoneNet originated from Victoria, Australia.
- I soon got a reply from an interested SysOp (Chris of The Shoikan Grove)
- and ZoneNet had it's very first BBS carrier. I was soon delighted again to
- have a South Australian SysOp (Alan of Pitstop BBS) join ZoneNet which now
- expanded into South Australia. Then ZoneNet took a big leap (Nov95) and
- had another SysOp (Andrew of Chantel Amiga) join ZoneNet and became my
- Main ZoneNet Hub (and Victoria's Hub). The reason for this being a big
- leap for ZoneNet was because I was/am running my BBS under the M A X'sBBS
- (still am!) on an Amiga 2000 and M A X's did not support nodelists, etc.
- ZoneNet was originally for M A X's BBS's only, but when Chantel Amiga (BBS
- run under TransAmiga) joined ZoneNet, Andrew created a nodelist and so he
- became the ZoneNet Nodelist Co-ordinator. This meant that any type system
- under any BBS program using a nodelist or not could join ZoneNet. This
- truly was the real beginning of ZoneNet ..... And life goes on!
- Hopefully as you read this, ZoneNet has grown even bigger and better ...
- Hope to see you in ZoneNet -- Marty (1Feb96)
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- :::[ ZONE NET ]::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::